I submitted an interlibrary loan request. How will I know when the item is available?
Last Updated: Jun 27, 2022     Views: 101

You will receive an email when the item you requested is available.

Print Materials:

To check the status of your request, sign in to your interlibrary loan account. On the "Requested" tab, you can view each request you have submitted and the associated status:

  • Submitted: Your request is being reviewed by lending libraries
  • In Transit: The item you requested is on the way

Once the item has arrived at the library, it will be held for 10 days at the Connection Center service desk for check-out during business hours. A second email notice will be sent before the item is returned to the lending library.

Electronic Articles:

  • Electronic article requests will show a status of "submitted" until available for access

Once the article is available, it is retrievable from your Interlibrary Loan Account.