I am having trouble accessing library resources when using the Zotero Connector browser extension. How can I resolve this?
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2023     Views: 275

1) Make sure you are running the latest version of the Zotero Connector extension:

  • Firefox: Version 5.0.104
  • Chrome: Version 5.0.104  
  • Edge: Version 5.0.105

To check which version you are using, right-click on the Zotero Connector extension and select “manage extension”. If the extension is out-of-date, you can update to the latest version via the Zotero website.

2) We also recommend disabling the Zotero proxy redirection. To disable:

  • When the Zotero extension is enabled, if you access a library database, you will get a banner that states “Zotero detected that you are accessing [site] through a proxy. Would you like to automatically redirect future requests to [site]?

Zotero proxy detection banner

  • Here, select “Proxy Settings” from the Banner. You can also access the proxy settings by right clicking on the Zotero Connector extension, then selecting “manage extension”.
  • Next, select “extension options” (Chrome and Edge) or “options” (Firefox), then select the “Proxies” tab.
  • Uncheck the “enable proxy redirection” box. This will stop the Zotero Connector from trying to recognize the library’s proxy.

Zotero proxy settings

If you need additional assistance, please open a ticket.